Department Directory

Academic Affairs - Advising

    People in Department
    Bausley, Deneice Assistant Director of Advising478.934.5201Cochran
    Black, Nicholas Academic Advisor I 478.934.6068Cochran
    Burley, Champione - M.Ed. Academic Advisor II (School of Business)(478)934-3519Cochran
    Carr, Allison - M.Ed Academic Advisor II (School of Health and Natural Sciences)478-757-2579Macon
    Cruz, Yazmin - MA Academic Advisor II4789296700Warner Robins
    Deal, Roxanne - MFS Academic Advisor I (School of Health and Natural Sciences)4787572631Macon
    Graham, Ryan Academic Advisor II(478) 934 - 3699Cochran
    Gutierrez, Carlos Academic Advisor I478 - 471 - 3614Macon
    Hagy, Melinda Academic Advisor I478-477-3291Macon
    Holcomb, Heaven Academic Advisor I Eastman
    Holloway, Mikia Academic Advisor I Eastman
    Jenkins, Connie Academic Advisor III (School of Business)478-471-2724Macon
    Jennings, Haley Academic Advisor I (School of Computing)478.471.2785Macon
    Johnson, Korinda - M.Ed. Academic Advisor I (School of Business)Macon
    Ledezma, Abigail Academic Advisor I478.471.3726Cochran
    Little-Herring, Sandy - M.S.W. Director of Advising478.757.2630Macon
    Long, Colby Academic Advisor II (School of Arts and Letters)(478) 934-3357Cochran
    Ly, Thuy-Vy Academic Advisor I (School of Health and Natural Sciences)Cochran
    Middlebrooks, Joshua Academic Advisor I478-757-2549Eastman
    Purser, Tricia Academic Advisor III (School of Computing)478.471.2960Macon
    Readd, Quincy Academic Advisor I(478-934-3513)Cochran
    Reckart, Terri Academic Advisor I (School of Arts and Letters)478.471.5340Macon
    Vinson, Ashley - MBA Academic Advisor II (School of Business)478.471.2793Macon

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    Please note that some changes to the directory can take up to 12 hours to appear in all directory listings.