Middle Georgia State MVP: Chrissonia L. McCall

Author: News Bureau
Posted: Monday, May 5, 2014 12:29 PM
Category: Finding Greatness

Macon, GA

Chrissonia McCall, a senior majoring in new media, was an intern with Georgia's Center of Innovation for Aerospace.

Full Name: Chrissonia L. McCall.

Age: 21.

Hometown & Residence: Atlanta.

High School: “I am a proud graduate of Tri-Cities High School, where I participated in cheerleading, dance and in the Performing Arts Magnet program."

Employment: “I am a full-time student and Georgia’s Center of Innovation for Aerospace communications Intern.”

Degree Objective: Bachelor of Science in New Media & Communications.

Class Rank: Senior.

Primary Campus: Macon.

Career Goals: “My career goal is to be a public relations specialist due to my desire to enhance the presence of companies and organizations in the digital and physical world.”

She chose Middle Georgia State College because … “I was drawn to the New Media & Communications program. I knew it was a program I could enjoy and succeed in. The NMAC program prepares students for multiple job opportunities.”

The one thing that surprised her about Middle Georgia State was … “How beautiful the Macon Campus is. Walking through campus, especially by the lake, can be relaxing after a long day.”

Her favorite professor is … “Dr. Sheree Keith. I have had Dr. Keith just about every semester for at least one class, and she is also my advisor. She has helped me so much throughout my years here and I thank her so much for giving me the opportunities she presented to me."

Her favorite place to study is … “In my dorm because I can grab food, my books and sit on my bed. I like to be relaxed when I study and work on assignments.”

Her friends make fun of her because … “I think I can sing when in reality, I’m horrible. I make sure I play the music louder to drown out how bad I am.”

The one person she’d most like to meet is … “President Obama because I’d like to know more about his journey. How did he overcome adversity and who supported him as he went through difficult times?”

Five years from now she sees herself … “Working to open my own public relations firm. My plan is to gain knowledge and small clients throughout my career, so I will have a solid foundation.”