Faculty/Staff Directory

Dr. Stephen M. Fuller - PhD

Professor of English
Department of English

Phone: 478.934.3304

  • Cochran - Jackson Hall - 203
    Phone: 478-934-3304
Office Hours: Monday
9.00-11.00 (Cochran)
11.00-1.00 (Cochran)
9.00-11.00 (Cochran)
11.00-12.00 (Cochran)
8.00-9.00 (Online)
Education: Swansea University BA HONS (1997)
University of Southern Mississippi MA (2000)
University of Southern Mississippi PhD (2004)
Organizations: Eudora Welty Society
Awards and Honors: Mississippi University for Women's Eudora Welty Prize (2013)

Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship (2014)
Publications: “Speaking Bodies, Kinesthetic Awareness, and Lacanian Performativity in Eudora Welty’s ‘Shower of Gold.’” Mississippi Quarterly 74.3 (2021): 251-269.

"Ideology, Ethnicity, and Performativity in Eudora Welty’s Losing Battles," New Essays on Eudora Welty, Race, and Class, UP of Mississippi, 2019.

"Post-Southern and International: Teaching Welty's Cosmopolitanism in 'Going to Naples,'" Teaching the Works of Eudora Welty: Twenty-First-Century Approaches, UP of Mississippi, 2018.

Eudora Welty and Surrealism, UP of Mississippi (Hardback 2013 & Paperback 2014).

"Eudora Welty and Postmodernism," Eudora Welty Review, 2014.

"South of South Again," Southern Quarterly, 2010.

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