Finding Greatness: Maurice Curry
Author: News Bureau
Posted: Tuesday, January 9, 2024 12:00 AM
Finding Greatness | Pressroom | School of Arts and Letters
Macon, GA

MGA Media & Communication grad Maurice Curry is now a production assistant at ESPN.
Full Name: Maurice Deontae Curry.
Age: 29.
Hometown: Macon.
Residence: Bristol, Connecticut.
Current Employment: Production Assistant at ESPN.
Middle Georgia State Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication, Class of 2018.
Career Highlights: “I started at WGXA in Macon, first as an intern and then was hired as a production assistant helping with the morning newscast. After graduating in 2018, I moved to Northwest Arkansas to become a news Photographer. After a year in Arkansas, I moved to Jacksonville, Florida, to further my career as a news photographer. Now I’m at ESPN.”
Describe how your Middle Georgia State experiences are benefiting you now in your career and personal life?
“MGA helped me in a lot of ways. For one, MGA is the perfect size to help students develop more personal relationships with peers and professors. That helped me with going into the media business and developing relationships with different people and different personalities. MGA also helped me in my personal life as well. When I came to MGA, I was a shy person who didn’t know how to communicate as well as I do now. After my four years there, I learned how to communicate with people on a personal level.”
What advice do you have for students now studying at your alma mater?
“Just keep grinding. It is a process to break into the career that you want. I started applying for jobs in my career field in January 2018 and didn’t receive a job offer until September of that year. That taught me to be patient and accept that whatever God has in store for you, He will give it to you. You just have to work hard and don’t cut any corners.”