Finding Greatness: Elaine Martin
Author: News Bureau
Posted: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 12:00 AM
Finding Greatness | Pressroom | Faculty/Staff
Macon, GA

Elaine Martin of MGA’s Student Affairs staff recently helped the University obtain a $6,000 grant to provide food and other resources to students in need through Knights’ Table.
Full Name: Elaine K. Martin.
Full Title: Student Care Case Manager, Office of Student Affairs.
Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of Georgia; Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
What attracted you to a staff position at Middle Georgia State University?
Over the years I have worked in several university settings and have always loved working with students. What attracted me to the position of Student Care Case Manager was the ability I would have in that role to help students in the most need. MGA has so many resources for students, and I was excited for the opportunity to be able to help students connect to those resources and the opportunity to work with a larger and more diverse student body than I had in the past. But what made me know that MGA was the perfect fit for me was the overall passion everyone I talked to during my interview had towards working with students. The commitment to providing a safe and supportive environment to students and the willingness to put students first was the reason I accepted my position at MGA and the reason I love working here each day.
What do you like best about working at Middle Georgia State?
I love the sense of community and teamwork at MGA. In my position I have often had to reach out to faculty and staff from across all departments in order to help students and have seen such a willingness to help and support the work I am doing. I also love the support I have from the team I work with. Everyone in student affairs is always willing to step in and help out and is always encouraging and supportive of each other.
What, so far, has been your proudest accomplishment as an MGA staff member?
The thing that I am proudest of is that I am able to help students in need and provide support and resources that can reduce the burdens and stress that they are facing and hopefully help them get one step closer to graduation. Seeing the relief on a student’s face when I am able to help them whether it is through financial support through the SEAL Fund, helping them meet a goal, or by helping them come up with a plan to address an issue they have been struggling with makes everything I do worthwhile. Those moments are my favorite part of working here at MGA.
I have also been fortunate this year to receive a grant from Swipe Out Hunger that will help the Knights’ Table, MGA’s food pantry, be able to better serve students with food insecurity across all of our campuses. I’m very excited that I have such an opportunity and hope it makes it easier for our students to access Knights’ Table services.
In your opinion, what does it take for students to be successful these days?
I think the biggest thing a student can do to be successful is to know their limits and be open to help when they are struggling. There is a stigma associated with asking for help or using support services like counseling and the food pantry that will often force students to suffer in silence. I think it is important for students to know that there is no reason to be ashamed to ask for help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, I think it is an act of bravery that shows you are dedicated to becoming the best version of yourself and making sure you succeed at your goals.
What would students be surprised to learn about you?
I love to travel! I have visited 23 states in the U.S. and hope to visit all of them one day. I have also visited 15 different countries and actually lived in England for four years. I would love to travel to every continent.