Institutional Review Board

The MGA Institutional Review Board (IRB) oversees human subjects research within the MGA community. The purpose of the IRB is to review all proposals for research involving human subjects before the research is conducted to determine whether the research plan has adequately addressed the ethical dimensions of the project. All research involving human subjects conducted at MGA, or by MGA faculty, staff, or students must be approved by the IRB before the research can begin.

How to Apply for IRB Approval for your research project.

Detailed instructions on applying for approval can be found in the Principal Investigator’s Handbook. Below is a summary of the steps necessary to apply for IRB approval.

  1. Determine if your proposed activity requires IRB approval

    Most forms of research involving human subjects require IRB approval. There are some circumstances where IRB oversight is not needed. These include classroom simulations of research, and some forms of institutional data collection. Please see the Principal Investigator’s Handbook for more information.

  2. Determine the level of review required by your project

    There are three levels of IRB review: 1) Exempt, 2) Expedited, and 3) Full Review. The level of review is determined primarily by the extent of risk to the participants in the proposed activity. The majority of proposals for research at MGA have fallen under the exempt and expedited categories. Please see the Principal Investigator’s Handbook for more information.

  3. Complete CITI training and provide certificate with application. (details for how to register here)

  4. Complete the IRB application.

    The most common cause for delays in IRB approval is an incomplete application. Please make sure that your application includes all needed materials. Please be sure to include the signature page.

  5. Submit application and all supporting materials to