eCore Learning

eCore - short for electronic core-curriculum - allows students the opportunity to complete their first two years of their collegiate careers in an online environment. eCore courses are taught entirely online, except for the occasional proctored exam. eCore courses are designed, developed, taught and supported by faculty and staff from the University System of Georgia (USG). General information about eCore, Georgia's College Core-Curriculum Online, can be found at
Here are the necessary steps that you will go through to be able to register for eCore courses through Middle Georgia State University.
- You must be a fully admitted student at Middle Georgia State University
You must be fully admitted at Middle Georgia State University in order to take eCore classes. A student, who is currently enrolled in another college or university and is not a degree seeking student at Middle Georgia State University, will be admitted as a transient student. Students with CPC deficiencies or students with Learning Support requirements are not eligible for enrollment in eCore courses .
If you are not currently a student at Middle Georgia State University, admissions information, including an application, can be found at - You must have a realistic understanding of what eCore has to offer
- Visit the USG " Is eCore Right for Me?" web page to learn about what eCore courses entail (
- Visit the USG " eCore Course Array" web page to learn about the courses that are offered by eCore (
- Visit the USG " Courses" web page to read the course descriptions, prerequisites, and sample syllabi ( You must have completed any prerequisites applicable to any eCore course.
- Visit the USG " High School Dual Enrollment" to learn more about earning college credit while in high school (
*Note - eCore does not provide numerical grades for dual enrolled students
- You must be academically advised
Meet with your academic advisor and discuss your academic program of study and if eCore courses would be appropriate for you to take. It is critical that any eCore courses you wish to take are appropriate for your degree program.
The eCore courses available to students at Middle Georgia State University are listed in the college's class schedule. The class schedule can be found at You can search the schedule for courses by term and by subject. eCore courses are denoted with the word ECORE in the course title.
You must also have completed any prerequisites applicable to any eCore course.
- Successfully complete the eCore Introduction Quiz
The eCore introduction must be viewed before you can be registered for an eCore class. The introduction can be found at
After you complete the introduction you will take a brief quiz to assess your understanding. If you do not pass the quiz with a score of 80 or higher, you will be redirected to take the quiz again. If you pass the quiz with a score of 80 or higher, you will receive a follow-up email from Ms. Amanda Smith, Middle Georgia State University's eCore Advisor.
After successful quiz submission, it takes 24 hours or more to update your academic records. The 24 hour period excludes weekends and holidays. After your academic records are updated, you should be able register for eCore classes using your Banner Web access.
- Register for classes
Upon successfully passing the introduction quiz you will receive an email from Ms. Amanda Smith, Middle Georgia State University's eCore advisor.
You can self-register for eCore course(s) through Banner Web just as you would for any class offered at Middle Georgia State University. However, to self-register you MUST have passed the Introduction Quiz with a grade of 80 or better AND all Banner Web Holds must be satisfied. If you have any Banner Web Holds, your academic advisor is authorized to register you for eCore classes. Students who have CPS Deficiencies or are in Learning Support cannot be registered for eCore classes.
You must have satisfied all of the prerequisites for the eCore course. Prerequisite information can be found using this eCore web page: http//
Please check with your academic advisor should you have any questions about eCore courses and your school's core curriculum requirements.
- Tuition
The tuition for eCore classes is different from the tuition charged for on-campus courses.
For current tuition rates, please visit our tuition and fees page.
Financial Aid is available for eCore classes just as it is available for on-campus courses. Please visit the Financial Aid Office web page at for additional information.
You should contact the Financial Aid Office with any questions.
- Purchase your textbooks
The list of textbooks and required materials for each course can be found at The required textbooks for eCore courses may be different from the ones used in regular Middle Georgia State University courses.
The textbooks and other course materials can only be purchased through the eCore bookstore, the MBS Direct Bookstore (
Currently, financial aid is not an accepted payment method for eCore textbooks and course materials. Please check with your financial aid office to determine if you can be reimbursed for any of your eCore textbooks and course materials.
- Start the class
Approximately 2 weeks prior to the beginning of each new term, registered students should receive an email from GoView(check junk/spam folder). The email will be sent via your College email address. The email that you should receive will include very important information such as how to buy books, how to get help, and how and when to logon.
Please note: Students cannot logon to their courses until the official first day of class. Although you will be unable to access your course(s) until the first day of class, you will be able to access your GoView page as well as the Student Guide to eCore, so go ahead and log in to be certain that your username and password work.
If you added a course during late registration or drop/add, you will receive an GoView email through your Middle Georgia State University email account within 24 hours after your registration date.
If you do not receive an email from GoView in your email, please contact the eCore helpdesk at 678-839-5300. On the first day of class you can login to GoView directly by going to the GoView login page at
Usernames: Your username is your campus email prefix followed by an underscore (_) then an assigned acronym for your campus.
Example: john.doe_mga
Passwords: You will use your Banner Password/PIN at the time that you registered for your eCore course. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it from the GoView log-in screen.
Forgotten Password: If you have lost your GoVIew password, the following link will assist you in retrieving your password.
- Important Deadlines
The eCore academic calendar can be found at
Payment deadlines can be found here:
- Drop/Add and Withdrawals
- After classes begin, typically for a four-day period, students may adjust their schedules with a refund for each course dropped and no grades awarded. Please refer to the following page for more information about the drop/add process -
- Middle Georgia State University eCore students desiring to withdraw from one or more eCore classes after the drop/add period and before the midpoint of the term may do so by withdrawing through SWORDS. After doing so, the student will be assigned a grade of "W" for those course(s). While a grade of "W" does not count in the student's cumulative grade point average, it does count in attempted hours for financial aid purposes and could affect a student's eligibility for aid if there are repeated withdrawals. Students who withdraw after the deadline will receive a grade of "WF" for the course. Instructions on how to withdraw can be found here:
Please be aware that eCore classes adhere to a different academic calendar. Specific dates to be aware of can be found by visiting
- Proctored exams and testing
Exams in eCore classes work differently than exams in traditional, on-campus classes, because they require you to plan and schedule appointments at a testing center.
Information about exams and testing can be found at
The instructions you are to follow, should your exams be proctored, can be found at
The Middle Georgia State University testing center is one of the approved testing sites.