Hours of Operation
Please call the clinic to schedule an appointment (478-934-3080, Cochran; 478-471-2092, Macon).
The clinics are open when classes are in session, please note hours may vary.
Appointments are strongly encouraged, walk-ins will be seen as time permits.
Fall and Spring semesters: Monday - Thursday, 9am-5pm Fridays administrative duties / by advanced appointment only)
Summer hours: Monday - Wednesday, 9am-5pm; Thursday administrative duties/appointments only
*Lunch observed Noon-1pm / may vary
As always, CALL 911 for any medical emergencies. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook ( www.facebook.com/MGAHealthClinic) and Instagram ( www.instagram.com/mgahealthclinics) - for health tips and more.
Monitor your MGA email and MGA Health Topics page for updates based on most current CDC, DPH, and USG
CDC Self-Screening Tool https://www.cdc.gov/screening/index.html
MGA Covid-19 Resources https://www.mga.edu/coronavirus
GA DPH Covid-19 Resources https://dph.georgia.gov/dph-covid-19-guidance
Covid-19 Test to Treat Locator https://aspr.hhs.gov/TesttoTreat/Pages/default.aspx
USG Covid-19 Resources https://www.usg.edu/coronavirus
![Georiga covid-19 emotional support 866-399-8938](images/hotline.png)
The Georgia COVID-19 Emotional Support Line provides free and confidential assistance to callers needing emotional support or resource information as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Emotional Support Line is staffed by volunteers, including mental health professionals and others who have received training in crisis counseling.
Hours of operation: 8 am - 11 pm
Call 866.399.8938