Phi Beta Lambda
Phi Beta Lambda is the collegiate division of the national association, Future Business Leaders of America - Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. As the premier student business organization, Phi Beta Lambda's mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.
Business and education are brought together when students preparing to enter the business field interact with those persons already working in the business world. Through this interaction, student members learn how to become more marketable, and they gain contacts in the business world that will help them accomplish their career objectives.
- Organizing community service projects
- Attending state and national leadership conferences
- Participating in fund raisers
- Creating publications
To find out more about the national organization please visit
Accounting Association
In the Middle Georgia State University Accounting Association, join other students as they network with area accountants, learn about accounting opportunities, expand career goals, and have fun.
How to join the Accounting Association:
Obtain an application at the School of Business reception area on the 3rd floor of the PSC building. Complete and turn in the application, with payment, to administrative assistants, School of Business, or to Dr. Carol Sargent, PSC 384. - American Institute of CPAs: The national organization of certified public accountants. Student membership information/ application. - Georgia Society of CPAs: The state of Georgia website for CPAs. Student membership information/ application.
MGA Marketing Association

Founding members
MGA Marketing Association
Society for Advancement of Management (SAM)
Society for Advancement of Management (SAM) is a nonprofit organization that was established in 1912. Its mission is to provide an opportunity for the members to increase management skills and expertise through participation in programs and services designed to improve the professional quality of their knowledge, performance, and leadership ability.
MGA’s SAM campus chapter became a registered student organization during the Fall 2015 semester, and aims to fulfill SAM’s mission through the study of management theory as well as practice. Membership opens doors that allow you to actively acquire management knowledge and hone your management skills via officer positions and a host of other opportunities. Activities in which you can be involved include:
- The “Money Talks” Series
- The “Management in Action” Community Service Initiative
- Company Visits
- Management Workshops
- Case Competitions
- Fundraisers
- And many more…
Welcome to the exciting world of Management! Come and have fun while you expand your horizons.
For more information on joining the SAM campus chapter, please contact Dr. Simone Phipps at .
To find out more about the national organization please visit
You may also visit the national organization’s Facebook page at
Founding Officers

Standing (L to R): Jamiah Walker (President), Deirdre Davis (Vice President)
Sitting (L to R): Diana Yawn (Treasurer), Dr. Simone Phipps (Founding Advisor), Kandace Stephens (Secretary)