Knight Alert/RAVE App

You must take action!
We need your current phone number and email address – click here to verify and update your contact info.
We care about the safety and quality of your education. The MGA Knight Alert system is a free service that adds to our ability to provide an environment in which you can feel safe knowing that you will be informed quickly and accurately of campus emergencies including severe weather conditions and closings.
The MGA Knight Alert system will allow us to reach you directly by sending:
- Voice messages to home phones, work phones, and mobile phones;
- Text messages (SMS) to mobile phones; and
- E-mail.
Initially, we will use the contact information you provided at the point of admission. If this information is no longer accurate, you must provide updated information.
Your contact information will only be used to reach you in an emergency and it will remain confidential.
Follow the instructions at the “Update Contact Information” link on the menu to add or update your cell phone number – the one where you receive your text messages – and other phone numbers and e-mail address(es) as soon as possible so that you can be alerted to any emergency situation that affects our campuses. All students, faculty and staff are encouraged to participate.
Remember, this information will only be used to reach you in an emergency.
For MGA Knight Alert questions, contact the Macon Precinct of the MGA Police Department at
478.471.2414 or .
For technical help, contact the Middle Georgia State University Technical Assistance Center (TAC):
- 478.471.2023
- 478.757.4393
- 478.934.3319
Rave Guardian Mobile Safety App
The Middle Georgia State University Police Department are putting campus safety in the hands of the students, faculty, and staff with the mobile Guardian app, by Rave Mobile Safety.
The Rave Guardian Campus Safety App transforms mobile phones on campus into personal safety devices.

Guardian enhances safety on campus through a virtual safety network of friends, family, and campus safety and promotes our "If you see something, say something" policy.
Panic Button: Direct immediate connection to campus safety with GPS location and personal profile information.
Tip Texting: Enables anonymous crime tip reporting and 2-way communication via SMS or mobile app
Personal Guardians: Students can identify friends, roommates, and family as ‘Guardians' along with Campus Safety. Students can set a Rave Guardian Timer. During a Timer session Guardians and Campus Safety can check status of student. If the Rave Guardian timer is not deactivated before it expires, campus safety is automatically provided with the user's Rave Guardian profile to proactively identify and check-in on the individual.
Whenever students, faculty, or staff connect with campus safety from their mobile phone, the Rave Guardian Campus Safety App automatically delivers a complete caller profile – including current location, medical conditions, course schedule, addresses, campus ID photo and other critical data.
How Rave Guardian Campus Safety App Works
Rave Guardian is a Campus Safety Mobile App backed by a hosted, Software-as-a-Service platform.
Rave Guardian profile data is stored privately and securely within Rave's redundant and geographically diverse databases. Guardian profile data is provided by the members of your community through Rave's secure web-portal.
User-provided data can be further augmented by loading data from your school's SIS system. With Rave Guardian, your community is always in control –profiles are shared only when a member of your community calls public safety, or allows a previously set Rave Guardian timer to expire.
Search for the "Rave Guardian" in the Apple App Store for iPhones or Google Play Store for Android phones.