Ticket Information and Check in

Ticket Information

Please check back soon for ticketing information.

Check In

Graduates are to report directly to the Recreation and Wellness Center on the Macon Campus to check-in at the Registrar’s Office table on the second floor.

Please remember to arrive one hour before your ceremony at the appointed time listed below. Late seating will not be accommodated.

  • 9:30am ceremony — Graduates arrive at 8:30am. Guests must be seated by 9:20am.
  • 12:30pm ceremony — Graduates arrive at 11:30am. Guests must be seated by 12:20pm.
  • 3:30pm ceremony — Graduates arrive at 3:00pm. Guests must be seated by 3:20pm.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Graduation Coordinator or the Student Success Coordinator.

Graduation Coordinator - Yulonda Banks ( )

Student Success Coordinator - Monique Shine ( )