Checklist for Graduates
Be sure to check your status for graduation with your advisor and review Graduation Preparation.
Apply for graduation at least two (2) semesters early.
Recommended Attire
Recommended Attire
- Men should wear dark slacks, dark shoes, and a shirt with a white collar.
- Women should wear comfortable dress shoes with a dress or skirt that does not show below the gown, or dark slacks and a blouse.
- You will be walking approximately half of a mile on various surfaces including hard flooring and jointed staging that may be slick and/or difficult to navigate in heels.You are strongly encouraged to wear comfortable shoes.
Submit Photos For The Graduate Slideshow and MGA Social Media Sites
Submit Photos For The Graduate Slideshow and MGA Social Media Sites
Graduate, surprise your loved ones by submitting a selfie/photo to .
Your submission can be of you or you with the people who encouraged and inspired you during your journey to earn a degree.
We will feature your selfie/photo in a slideshow that plays before the graduation ceremony begins. We also may share your image on our social media sites, so please add a note in the email subject line if you submit your image for the slideshow only.
The deadline for submitting your selfie/photo is Noon on Friday, April 25, 2025. No submissions will be accepted after this date.
Send no more than two images to .
In the subject line of the email put :
-Graduation Photos for Slideshow and MGA Social Media
- Graduation Photos for Slideshow ONLY
Also, please include your full name and major in the email.
Below are some sample images from previous slideshows.

View Graduation Photos
Commencement photographs will be taken of all graduates as they are individually congratulated. A private company, GradImages, provides this complimentary service as each graduate crosses the dais during the commencement ceremony. GradImages will also send information to your MGA email address.
Graduates can order additional photos Within three to seven days following commencement at or by calling (800) 261-2576.
To view general graduation photos, visit the MGA Facebook graduation photo album. Anyone is free to make copies of these images for their own use.
Graduates Arrival and Check-In
Graduates Arrival and Check-In:
Graduates are to report directly to the Recreation and Wellness Center on the Macon Campus to check-in at the Registrar’s Office table on the second floor.
Please remember to arrive one hour before your ceremony at the appointed time listed below. Late seating will not be accommodated.
- 9:30am ceremony — Graduates arrive at 8:30am. Guests must be seated by 9:20am.
- 12:30pm ceremony — Graduates arrive at 11:30am. Guests must be seated by 12:20pm.
- 3:30pm ceremony — Graduates arrive at 3:00pm. Guests must be seated by 3:20pm.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Graduation Coordinator or the Student Success Coordinator.
Graduation Coordinator - Yulonda Banks ( )
Student Success Coordinator - Monique Shine ( )
Line-Up, Processional and Recessional
Line-Up, Processional and Recessional
- Staff marshals will assist you in lining up by degree and in alphabetical order.
- Regarding the processional (march in) and recessional (march out), you will follow Staff Marshals from your academic school in to and out of the arena.
The Ceremony
The Ceremony
- Be prepared for the ceremony to last approximately 1-1.5 hours.
- You may be photographed/videotaped by local media. Remove your gum before the processional.