Assistive Technology

Alternate Format for Texbooks and Required Readings

Alternate text formats are provided to students with verified disabilities that support the accommodation. Students using these accommodations are required to verify that they have purchased a print copy of the text by bringing copy of receipt to their ASO. Copyright laws allow production or loan of alternate forms of text for individuals with disabilities but those making copies must be sure students “own” their copy as well. All alternative formats are on loan to the student only for the semester of the course for which the book is required and must be returned to Office of Accessibility Services or deleted all personal devices/computers at the end of the semester.

General procedures for requesting texts and other required reading materials in alternate format:

  • Students seeking alternate format for texts must be approved for this accommodation.
  • Students requesting alternative format for texts must submit a list of the books or other materials they are seeking to Accessibility Services via the Alternative Media Request Form. Submissions should be made as soon as the student registers for classes and obtains the required information but no later than 2 weeks before the beginning of classes.
  • If a student is unable to get textbook information, he or she should contact Accessibility Services Office immediately for assistance.
  • Students are required to purchase each book they request in an alternate format and provide proof of purchase (receipt) to their ASO before any alternative media orders will be placed.

Students are responsible for initiating the process of securing alternative text formats as soon as possible after the time of registration but no later than 2 weeks before classes begin. Students with this accommodation may request materials at any point; however, delay in requesting the accommodation and in providing the necessary information may result in a delay in the provision of texts in alternate format. Accessibility Services is available to support and assist students in this process.

Accessible Furniture Policy

Some students may need accessible furniture (desks, chairs, tables, etc.) in certain classrooms on campus.

  • Students must be registered with the Accessibility Services Office and provide appropriate documentation from their treating physician verifying they are unable to use existing furniture. Documentation should specify the medical condition and disability resulting in a need for accessible furniture and discuss the way in which the furniture accommodates their need(s).
  • Once a student who needs accessible furniture registers for the upcoming semester, s/he should physically check out each classroom where the class is scheduled to meet. If doing this proves difficult for the student due to mobility or pain issues, then the student should email or call their ASO to request that our office assess the classrooms for his/her furniture access needs
  • Students requesting furniture accommodations must make an Accommodations Appointment and meet with one of their ASO to request the accommodation AT LEAST ONE WEEK BEFORE THE SEMESTER BEGINS. At this appointment we will need the room numbers where the accessible furniture will be utilized. The ASO Office needs at least one week advance notice to ensure that the accessible furniture is in place for the first day of class. We will make every effort to accommodate late requests but cannot guarantee that the furniture will be in place for the first day of class.
  • If it is necessary to purchase furniture for the student, there will be an additional delay. Due to University purchasing procedures, furniture is ordered through specific vendors; we will work diligently to help ensure prompt fulfillment of the request. For these reasons, it is extremely important that students who believe they will need accessible furniture make their requests and provide documentation as soon as possible. Delay in making the request may result in delay in provision of service.
  • Accessibility Services will inform faculty regarding the placement of the specific furniture in the classroom and priority use by the student with a disability during class/lab hours.
  • Students should bring their own cushions or orthopedic support as needed to use in the classroom. The University is not responsible for personal items left in the classroom.
  • Accessible furniture provided by ASO is not prescriptive in nature and should be considered only as a means to improve classroom access.
  • If there are any problems with the furniture (the furniture is missing from the room, it is constantly being moved, etc.), then it is the student’s responsibility to notify the office of Accessibility Services immediately at 478.471.2985 (Macon/WR) or 478.934.3023 (Cochran/Eastman/Dublin) to rectify the problem.
Requesting Interpreter Services

It is the philosophy of Accessibility Services Office to respect students’ right to autonomy throughout their college career. However, in order to provide interpreter services, students with hearing impairment must adhere to the following procedures and guidelines.

In-Class Interpreter/Captioning Services
  • Register with Accessibility Services Office by following established procedures.

  • Register for classes during the priority registration period and provide your ASO with a copy of the class schedule as soon as possible. Schedule an Accommodation Appointment at the start of the semester or prior to it to obtain your professor notification letters. At that time, provide a completed AMAC Student Agreement and a Captioning Services Request Form. Notify your ASO immediately of any further changes in the schedule.

  • Call your ASO immediately if, for any reason, a class is going to be missed. Leave a message that includes the student’s name and the class(es) that will be missed.

  • Adhere to the following policies regarding absenteeism and tardiness of interpreted/captioned classes.

    • Absence: If a student is absent from class without notifying the ASO in advance, the student’s interpreter services will be suspended for the day until their ASO is notified that subsequent classes scheduled for that day will be attended.

The Accessibility Services Office understands that it is the right of any student to miss class. However, ASO needs a minimum of 48 hours notice so interpreter resources are used appropriately. Continued absences may result in a suspension of interpreter services for a specified period of time. These decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.

  • Tardiness: If a student will be late to class, s/he should call and inform the ASO so the interpreters can be notified to wait additional time. In the event a student is late and the interpreter has not been notified, the interpreter will remain in class:
    Ten (10) minutes for a fifty minute class.
    Fifteen (15) minutes for an hour and fifteen minute class.
    Twenty-five (25) minutes for a two hour class.
  • Discuss any interpreting concerns with the interpreter for the class and your ASO. Every reasonable effort will be made to resolve situations that may arise in a fair manner.
Out-of-Class Interpreter Services
  • Contact the Accessibility Services Office for any activity outside of the classroom (club meetings, meetings with instructors, and Continuing Education courses, etc.).

  • Requests for interpreter services should be made as early as possible, but must be made at least 5 business days prior to the actual activity. Requests are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If informed there is no interpreter available at the requested time, the student should contact ASO to discuss options to include rescheduling the activity or alternative accommodations such as a note taker, if appropriate.

  • Inform your ASO immediately if a request for an interpreter has been made for an out-of-class activity or Continuing Education class and that activity/class is canceled or changed in any way (time, location, etc.).