Department Directory

Department of Natural Sciences

Primary Phone: 478.471.2751

    Faculty/Staff in Department

    NameTitlePhone NumberEmail
    Dr. Achatz, Tyler Assistant Professor 478-471-2746
    Dr. Adhikari, Upendra Assistant Professor 478.471.2047
    Dr. Balding, Donna Professor 478.471.2743
    Dr. Bousum, Adam Assistant Professor of Biology 478.329.4712
    Buffone, Gerald Professor of Chemistry 478.471.2703
    Dr. Camarota, Lawrence Assistant Professor 478-471-2754
    Canady, Christie Associate Professor of Biology 478-275-6770
    Dr. Cannon, Jonathan Associate Professor of Biochemistry 478.934.3073
    Dr. Mein, Shauna - PhD Associate Professor of Biology 478.471.2744
    El-Jeaid, Imad Associate Professor of Physics, Astronomy, and Engineering 478.934.3075
    Foster, David Laboratory Technician 478.697.4523
    Dr. Hornung, Christopher - REPP Coordinator Associate Professor of Engineering 478.471.2741
    Dr. Khatmullin, Renat Associate Professor of Chemistry 478.934.3404
    McNeill, James Associate Professor of Chemistry 478.757.4386
    Meier, Shannon Assistant Professor
    Dr. Mozley-Standridge, Sharon Associate Professor of Biology 478.934.3546
    Muse, Amy Lecturer
    Dr. Nuckels, Estelle - Ph.D. Professor of Chemistry 478.934.3052
    Dr. Pattillo, John Professor of Biology 478.471.2756
    Dr. Pickens, Kimberly Professor of Biology 478.471.2742
    Dr. Rigsby, Christine - Ph.D. Professor of Biology 478.471.2748
    Schwake, Otto Assistant Professor 471-2750
    Dr. Sherry, Dawn Chair, Natural Sciences 478.471.2751
    Dr. Sisson, Melissa Assistant Professor 478-934-3542
    Dr. Muse, Amy Lecturer of Natural Sciences 329-4779
    Smith, Sydne Administrative Coordinator
    Swenson, Kirby Associate Professor of Biology (478) 934-3051
    Wallace, Edwynn Associate Professor of Physics 478.934.3146
    Wang, Jianwei Associate Professor of Physics 478.757.6603
    Wiles, Jeff Associate Professor 478.471.2830
    Dr. Yadav, Pushpa Professor of Biology 478.471.2745
    Dr. Yang, N.C. Professor Of Chemistry 478.471.2755

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    Please note that some changes to the directory can take up to 12 hours to appear in all directory listings.