
Experiential Learning Requirement

Students majoring in political science must either complete a part-time or full-time internship, equivalent to at least 9 hours per week over a 15-week semester, or a semester-long research project under the supervision of a political science professor. Typically students complete this requirement as seniors, although they may do so at any time during their degree program.

Arranging the Internship or Research Practicum

The department will support students throughout the process of identifying an internship and receiving course credit. To get started, students should speak to their advisor or, in the case of a research practicum, the professor that they will be working with on the project.

Political science majors should monitor their email and the department's various communication channels (Facebook, Twitter, and Brightspace) for announcements of internship opportunities.

Georgia Legislative Internship Program (GLIP)

The Georgia Legislative Internship Program is a full-time, paid internship opportunity offered by the Georgia General Assembly during the spring semester to qualified juniors and seniors with at least a 2.5 GPA. Completed applications are typically due in early October. Students will receive academic credit for participating in this statewide, competitive program. Students are placed in legislative committee offices, legislative support offices, and the offices of House and Senate leaders.

Students participating need not be political science majors, although successful completion of both American Government (POLS 1101) and State and Local Government (POLS 2201) before participating would be an asset.

For more details on this program, contact the MGA GLIP Coordinator, Dr. Christopher N. Lawrence, at .

Internships with Elected Officials and Campaigns

There are numerous opportunities for internships in Washington, Atlanta, and district offices with Georgia's members of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. In particular, U.S. Rep. Sanford Bishop has a district office in Macon while U.S. Rep. Austin Scott has a district office in Warner Robins.

Individual state legislators also make available internship opportunities for students that are separate from the Legislative Internship Program during the General Assembly's session, either in Atlanta or at home in their districts.

During political campaign seasons, opportunities also exist to work as a volunteer or sometimes a paid employee with the campaigns for candidates for various federal, state, and local offices.

Other Internships

The MGA Center for Career and Leadership Development also maintains a directory of internships and other job opportunities for students. Internships do not necessarily have to be with political offices or campaigns; they can also be in other government offices, non-profit and other non-governmental organizations, or in the private sector, as long as there is a reasonable connection between the placement and the student's degree program (including any minors and certificates).